Call to action

    Cras at dolor eget urna varius faucibus tempus in elit. Cras a dui imperdiet, tempus metus quis, pharetra turpis.

    Home page

    To add the following to a page:

    {% include cta.html 
        icon="mail" title="Need more help?" text="Get in touch with us, support is provided daily" link_text="contact us" link_url="/contact/" 
        icon2="receiver" title2="Interested in our products?" text2="Our sales representatives can help you chose" link_text2="call us" link_url2="/contact/" 

    Article page

    Add the following setting in _config.yml:

        text: "Didn't find an answer to your question, we are here to help"
        button_text: "Contact Us"
        button_url: /contact/

    Related Articles

    Didn't find an answer to your question, we are here to help